IX session: Cycle theses under discussion


Next May 22 we will have a new edition of the CISPAC ‘Ciclo de teses en discusión’. The meeting will have the participation of two researchers, who will present their project and debate with the audience.

M. Guadalupe Castro will speak first, at 11am . He will present his research under the title“From the object to the community: prehistoric ceramics of Galicia between 3000 and 1000 ANE”. She is an archaeologist from the USC, a specialist in Galician prehistoric and protohistoric ceramics and is employed as a researcher in the EcoPast group. Among his works, his doctoral thesis and ceramics from the Neolithic to the Late Bronze Age stand out from an archaeological and archeometric perspective. He also researched the pre-Campaniform Chalcolithic pottery of Extremadura or the Mediterranean trade at the Change of Era in Galicia through the analysis of Castrex pottery and Mediterranean imports. In the European field, he highlights his current participation in a general study on the rhythms of assimilation of the bell-shaped funeral rite together with the University of Leiden.

At 12:00 it will be the turn of Roque Sanfiz Arias , who will talk about “Innovation in Atlantic agriculture. Galicia 1880-2000” . He has a degree in History (2018, USC) and a Masters in Contemporary History (2019, UAB). He is currently pursuing a PhD in Contemporary History at USC with research on innovation and technological changes in Galician agriculture in the 20th century. He also collaborates with the Barbanza Ecosocial Lab, Mazarelos magazine and has published on the social history of sport in Galicia.

As is usual in the cycle of theses under discussion, it will be at Lar do CISPAC (Edificio Fontán, Cidade da Cultura) that hosts this activity.
