Next Friday, September 13, the project "RENTURS: Rentabilidad social en las decisiones de inversión del turismo post-pandémico: clave para el desarrollo sostenible en destinos de interior" will be presented, prepared by staff from the University of Vigo and financed by Next Generation EU/ Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
The event will take place at the Marcos Valcárcel Cultural Center (Ourense) at 12 noon. You can find more information about this project at the link below.
A few days ago, the report Care Work in the Just Transition: Providing for People and Planet
was presented, a brief of the Just Transition and Care network, coordinated by CISPAC researcher Stefania Barca. Precisely, this entity is promoted by the CISPAC, the Colorado State University and the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD).
The report seeks to answer one question: how to properly value and finance care helps to achieve the Just Transition (JT). The researchers of this report point out that until now JT policies have not taken care of the social and environmental role of care. That is why this publication insists on changing the focus of the JT to "assess and finance them properly".
Last week the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities published the provisional resolution proposal for the granting for the year 2023 to projects and actions to train pre-doctoral research staff.
In total, CISPAC's research staff achieved 10 projects with a total sum of 954,375 euros, to which must be added 4 pre-doctoral contracts associated with some of those projects.
Likewise, the researcher Edgard Camarós also got a project from the Emerxente line within the Consolidation and structuring of competitive research units program of the Xunta de Galicia.
CISPAC facilities are located in the Fontan building, the most recent addition to the Ciudad de la Cultura de Galicia (City of Galician Culture) complex. The building was inaugurated in October 2021 and houses other institutes such as the Consorcio Interuniversitario de Galicia (Galician Interuniversity Consortium) or the Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Universitario (Agency for the Quality of the University System).
With 2,559 m2 of floorspace and room for up to 73 university researchers, CISPAC helps to consolidatethe Ciudad de la Cultura, a cultural macro-facility that generates 24 million euros in annual revenue from culturaland knowledge-intensive activities, including social entrepreneurship.