The Center

CISPAC is a unique, next-generation, pioneering centre for basic and applied research in the social and human sciences. It serves as a reference model that seeks to better utilize R+D capacities by bringing together 108 high-level researchers from 36 research groups at the universities of A Coruña, Santiago de Compostela and Vigo. All participants were chosen by an External Selection Committee.

CISPAC showcases a new organizational model for collaborative, open and transdisciplinary research, organized around five fields of interrelated study. It actively engages the entire value chain and the necessary collaboration to find solutions to the great demographic, environmental, heritage, tourism and governance challenges facing landscapes today, in all their territorial, historic and socioeconomic dimensions.

As a reference unit for research and transfer, CISPAC activities revolve around a common core that enables the consolidation of synergies, successes and best practices that can be homologized internationally., con capacidade para consolidar sinerxías, casos de éxito e boas prácticas homologables a nivel internacional, afianzando o sentimento de pertenza e fortalecendo as alianzas e as oportunidades cos axentes da contorna para acadar un maior impacto do seu potencial investigador e mantendo resultados de excelencia na investigación básica e aplicada, baseados nunha common scientific agenda.

The Building

CISPAC is located in the center modules of the Fontan building, which was inaugurated in 2021 as the final phase in the Ciudad de la Cultura de Galicia project. The building houses other interuniversity institutes such as the Consorcio Interuniversitario de Galicia (Galician Interuniversity Consortium) or the Agencia para la Calidad del Sistema Universitario (Agency for the Quality of the University System).

With 2,559 m2 of floorspace and room for up to 200 university researchers, CISPAC helps to consolidate the cultural macro-facility known as Ciudad de la Cultura and expand its range of cultural and knowledge-intensive activities, including social entrepreneurship.

The building is named in honour of the Galician mathematician and geographer Domingo Fontán, author of the first topographical and scientific map made in Spain. More than two hundred years after his renowned, autor do primeiro mapa topográfico e científico feito en España, o edificio toma prestado o nome deste ilustrado pontevedrés como emblema para contribuír a mellorar a posición investigación universitaria galega no mapa do coñecemento internacional, máis de douscentos anos despois da impresión desta célebre Carta geométrica de Galicia (1817),.

this distinguished scholar from Pontevedra has become emblematic in the quest to improve the place of Galician university research on the international map of knowledge. From the Fontan building, CISPAC focuses on the many dimensions of Atlantic landscapes and and is a pioneering and innovative observatory for research on landscapes in southwestern Europe. From an interdisciplinary and convergently transdisciplinary perspective, it seeks deeper understanding of the great transformations contemporary societies are now experiencing.

CISPAC spaces

Postdoc Area

Designed with an open office logic, this area located one floor above ground level in the Fontán Building is designated for post-doctorate researchers in all fields and specialties. The open design fosters the exchange of ideas and potential convergences among research projects.


One floor below ground level are the two CISPAC laboratories, the Laboratory for Archaeology and Earth Sciences and the Laboratory for Visited Heritage Sites, along with storage space for equipment and samples.

Work Bubbles

Next to the collective work areas at CISPAC are six independent work bubbles, each with capacity for 6 people. Equipped with screens and cameras, they can be used for research group meetings and videoconferences.

Offices for Visiting Researchers

In addition to the open workspaces, the Centre has offices for visiting researchers on the upper floor.

Conference Rooms and Reading Room

CISPAC also has three independent conference rooms on the upper floor, with capacity for 15 people each around double tables. The rooms have screens, digital blackboards and internet, making them suitable for meetings, teaching sessions and videoconferences.

In the reading room, researchers have access to all CISPAC digitalized resources and services.


The CISPAC Ecoespacio is the primary visitor reception area, located on the ground floor of the Fontan Building near the main entrance. With sofas, low tables and a screen, this is a great area for informal meetings or presenting research results in a more dynamic way (posters, etc.).

Work rooms

Five work rooms are available to CISPAC researchers on the ground floor of the Fontán Building. These are managed by the Xunta de Galicia and furnished for group meetings, with screens upon request. Three of these rooms have space for 15 people and the other two can hold 20-25 people.