Potential benefits of high-added-value compounds from aquaculture and fish side streams on human gut microbiota

Ano: 2021

Trends in Food Science and Technology, 2021, 112, 484-494.


Autores/as: Min Wang, Jianjun Zhou, Marta Selma-Royo, Jesus Simal-Gandara, Maria Carmen Collado, Francisco J. Barba.



Human gut microbiota dysbiosis has been linked to a higher risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such us inflammatory disorders, allergy and obesity. Specific dietary strategies, including the use of specific food supplements targeted to microbiota modulation, have been suggested to be especially relevant in reducing the risk of NCDs. In this regard, marine environment is considered as a pivotal source of nutrients and bioactive compounds such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, polysaccharides and active peptides. These compounds, including algae- (alginate, fucoidan) and animal-derived polysaccharides (chitin, chitosan), among others, have been widely studied. The use of these active substances from marine organisms as a food supplements has been reported to affect human health.

Scope and approach

This review provides the evidence-base information on the potential effects of various active substances from marine organisms, including fatty acids, proteins and polysaccharides, on the structure of gut microbiota and their effects on host health.

Key findings and conclusions

These compounds could regulate the gut microbiota structure and thus, intestinal and systemic level with potential human health benefits. The exploration and evaluation of the relationship between these substances and gut microbiota may provide a new direction for further exploration of the influence of high-added-value components on gut microbiota with potential health effects. These high-added-value compounds have been explored to not only improve the utilization rate of aquatic products, but also reduce waste and contribute to the environment and economy sustainability. Meanwhile, it is possible to expand the commercial applications of these products by the industry.

Jesús Simal Gándara

Tipo de publicación:
Artigos de impacto