Death-worlds and Necropolitics of Abjection in Emma Donoghue’s ‘Counting the Days

Año: 2022

en The Cultural Politics of In/Difference: Irish Texts and Contexts,edited by Aida Rosende-Pérez and Rubén Jarazo-Álvarez. Peter Lang, 2022: 147-165.

From the perspective of Irish Studies, this book seeks to interrogate the discourses and processes that produce and reproduce «Ireland’s cultural politics of in/difference», and its effects both in the material experience of Othered subjects and in their representation in cultural and literary forms. At the same time, it also examines strategies of dissent or resistance and possible alternatives that are being articulated both in the socio-political and the cultural arena, contributing to our communal thinking and imaginative creation of more effective forms of building community based on solid equity and social justice groun.

Belén Martín Lucas

Tipo de publicación:
Capítulos de libros