Tina Magazzini


Research group:

Tina Magazzini is María Zambrano Distinguished Researcher at the Faculty of Sociology of the University of Coruña, where she is part of the Societies in Movement Research Team (ESOMI) and (co-)teaches History and Theory of Migratory Movements in the Master's programme Social Policies and Socio-community Intervention (MOPS).

She is also a Research Associate with the Czech Academy of Sciences (Department of Mobility and Migration) and Co-Director of INTEGRIM-Lab, an NGO providing evidence-based research on migration, integration and social justice.

His research focuses on the politics of inclusion/exclusion from a comparative political perspective and on the dynamics of recognition, power and discrimination between institutions, majorities and minorities. She is particularly interested in how identity categories are created, maintained and institutionalised in different settings.

She completed her PhD in the framework of a Marie Curie programme on migration and integration policies (University of Deusto, 2018).

She is currently involved as a researcher in the projects ‘Citizenship as Restitution. EUropean Passports as redress for past injustice and opportunity for future migration’ (CITRES), “Digitalisation of work and mobilities in Europe: return migration and digital nomadism” (REMOTEWORK) and ’Romani Atlantic. Transcontinental logics of ethno-racial identities’.

Her most outstanding bibliographical contributions include:

  • Magazzini, T. (2024). When ethnicity is “national”: mapping ethnic minorities in Europe’s framework convention for the protection of national minorities. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 47(9), 1812–1833. https://doi.org/10.1080/01419870.2024.2328338
  • Magazzini, T., Eleftheriadou, M. Triandafyllidou, A. (2024). The Non-radicalisation of Muslims in Southern Europe – Migration and Integration in Italy, Greece and Spain. London: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Magazzini, T. (2023). United in Diversity? Transnational Heritage in Europe and Southern Africa Between Memory and Anticolonialism. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 45(1), 93–110. https://doi.org/10.1080/07256868.2023.2290065
  • Magazzini, T. Desille, A. (2023) In Solidarity: Ma(r)king and rescaling solidarity boundaries towards migrants. Partecipazione e Conflitto, 16(3), 4012-413. https://doi.org/10.1285/i20356609vi3p402
  • Magazzini, T., Triandafyllidou, A., Yakova, L. (2022). State-religion relations in Southern and Southeastern Europe: moderate secularism with majoritarian undertones. Religion, State and Society, 50(4), 396–414. https://doi.org/10.1080/09637494.2022.2129242
  • Triandafyllidou, A. Magazzini, T. (2021) Routledge Handbook on the Governance of Religious Diversity. London New York: Routledge
  • Magazzini, T., Piemontese, S. (2019), Constructing Roma Migrants: European Narratives and Local Governance, IMISCOE Book series. Cham: Springer


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