Incorporouse á UDC en 2022 como Investigadora Distinguida ‘María Zambrano’ Sénior contratada polo programa de Atracción del Talento Internacional financiado por NextGenerationEU, marco no que dirixe o proxecto FUNDEU como IP. A súa liña de investigación principal é ‘Os Legados Históricos dos Dereitos de Movilidade Humana na UE’.
Recientemente obtivo o Certificado I3 de Excelencia Investigadora e a ‘Consolidación Investigadora’ da AEI, sendo seleccionada como a IP do proxecto FREEMOVEU. Foi elixida Visiting Fellow da Universidade de Cambridge durante o curso 2024-2025.
É Fellow da Royal Historical Society e Académica de Número da AJdE e da YAE. Foi Membro do Comité Executivo da GYA.
É IP do proxecto EU Horizon 2020 NAVSCHEN e foi ‘Marie Skłodowska-Curie’ Senior Global Fellow na Universidade de Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, EE.UU.) e na Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia. Anteriormente foi Assistant Professor de Cultura e Política Europea na Universidada de Groningen. Previamente foi ‘Santander’ Senior Fellow en Estudos Europeos no Centro de Estudos Europeos – St. Antony’s College da Universidade de Oxford, do cal é Senior Member. Obtivo o seu doutoramento no European University Institute of Florence (EUI).
Entre sus contribuciones bibliográficas más destacadas se incluyen:
- Blanco Sío-López, Cristina, ‘Schengen as a Political Territory: Sources of Differentiation in the EU’s Free Movement of Persons’ from 1985’, Politique européenne, Special Issue 2020/1 (67-68): 'Differentiated European integration beyond mainstream approaches', pp. 26–52, Paris: CNRS –L'Harmattan, ISSN 1623-6297 – DOI: 10.3917/poeu.067.0026
- Blanco Sío-López, Cristina, ‘The Future that Once Was: 1989, the EU's Eastward enlargement and democracy’s missed chances’ in book: 1989 and the West: Western Europe since the End of the Cold War, London, Routledge – Taylor Francis, 2019 – ISBN: 9781138505070, pp. 169–187.
- Blanco Sío-López, Cristina, ‘Transitional Margins to Re-Join the West: Spain’s Dual Strategy of Democratisation and Europeanisation’, in book: Margins for Manoeuvre in Cold War Europe.
The Influence of Smaller Powers , London, Routledge – Taylor Francis, 2019 – ISBN: 9780429425592, pp. 205–224.
- Blanco Sío-López, Cristina, ‘Inner Tensions vs. , Journal of European Integration History (JEIH), Special Issue 2017, vol. 23, European Funding: On the Way to a New Research Agenda? ISSN 0947-9511, pp. 263-281 – DOI: 10.5771/0947-9511-2017-2-263, Peer-reviewed Journal of the EU Liaison Committee of Historians, History 2017 – Q1.
- Blanco Sío-López, Cristina, ‘Unveiling Covectors. ’, Journal of European Integration History (JEIH), Special Issue 2017, vol. 22: Peoples and Borders. 70 Years of Movement of Persons in Europe, to Europe, from Europe (1945-2015) , pp. 211-236 – DOI: 10.5771/9783845277868-210, Peer-reviewed Journal of the EU Liaison Committee of Historians, History 2017 – Q1.
- Blanco Sío-López, Cristina, Guest Editor, Special Issue: Policy Innovation, Regional Integration and Sustainable Democracy Building: The MDGs as Challenges and Vehicles, Regions and Cohesion, RISC Journal, 5(3), Winter 2015, Berghahn Journals, NY, Oxford, ISSN: 2152-9078, pp. 139.
- Blanco Sío-López, Cristina, Co-editor, Converging Pathways: Spain and the European Integration Process / Itinerarios cruzados: España y el proceso de construcción europea, Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, P.I.E. – Peter Lang – Cuadernos de Yuste Series, 2014. 562 pp., 10 ill., 21 tables, History and Political Science – ISBN: 978-2-87574-112-7