She has been working at the University De A Coruña since 2022, as post-doctoral hired research ‘María Zambrano’. Hired by the program "Atracción del Talento Internacional" and sponsored by NextGenerationEU, she leads the project FUNDEU as IP. Her main line of research is ‘The Historical legacy of the human mobility Rights in the UE’.
Recently he has obteined the Certified I3 de Excelencia Investigadora and the ‘Consolidación Investigadora’ of the AEI, being selected as IP in the project FREEMOVEU. She has been chosen Visiting Fellow of the Cambridge Universidad for the scholar year 2024-2025.
Not only she is Fellow of the Royal Historical Society & Académica de Número of the AJdE & YAE, but also, she was member of executive committee GYA.
She is IP in the project EU Horizon 2020 NAVSCHEN & was ‘Marie Skłodowska-Curie’ Senior Global Fellow at the Pittsburgh Universsity (Pennsylvania, EE.UU.) & in the Ca’ Foscari University di Venezia. Before, she worked as an Assistant Professor of European culture and politics in the Groningen University. First of all, she was ‘Santander’ Senior Fellow in European Studies Center – St. Antony’s College Oxford University, were she is Senior Member. She was doctorated by the European University Institute of Florence (EUI).
Among her bibliographical production it should be remarcable:
- Blanco Sío-López, Cristina, ‘Schengen as a Political Territory: Sources of Differentiation in the EU’s Free Movement of Persons’ from 1985’, Politique européenne, Special Issue 2020/1 (67-68): 'Differentiated European integration beyond mainstream approaches', pp. 26–52, Paris: CNRS –L'Harmattan, ISSN 1623-6297 – DOI: 10.3917/poeu.067.0026
- Blanco Sío-López, Cristina, ‘The Future that Once Was: 1989, the EU's Eastward enlargement and democracy’s missed chances’ in book: 1989 and the West: Western Europe since the End of the Cold War, London, Routledge – Taylor & Francis, 2019 – ISBN: 9781138505070, pp. 169–187.
- Blanco Sío-López, Cristina, ‘Transitional Margins to Re-Join the West: Spain’s Dual Strategy of Democratisation and Europeanisation’, in book: Margins for Manoeuvre in Cold War Europe. The Influence of Smaller Powers , London, Routledge – Taylor & Francis, 2019 – ISBN: 9780429425592, pp. 205–224.
- Blanco Sío-López, Cristina, ‘Inner Tensions vs. Outer Change: Political Agency Impact on Cohesion Funds Implementation in Spain in the Context of the Maastricht Treaty’ , Journal of European Integration History (JEIH), Special Issue 2017, vol. 23, European Funding: On the Way to a New Research Agenda? ISSN 0947-9511, pp. 263-281 – DOI: 10.5771/0947-9511-2017-2-263, Peer-reviewed Journal of the EU Liaison Committee of Historians, History 2017 – Q1.
- Blanco Sío-López, Cristina, ‘Unveiling Covectors. Correlating Migration and EC Enlargement in the Case of Spain ’, Journal of European Integration History (JEIH), Special Issue 2017, vol. 22: Peoples and Borders. 70 Years of Movement of Persons in Europe, to Europe, from Europe (1945-2015) , pp. 211-236 – DOI: 10.5771/9783845277868-210, Peer-reviewed Journal of the EU Liaison Committee of Historians, History 2017 – Q1.
- Blanco Sío-López, Cristina, Guest Editor, Special Issue: Policy Innovation, Regional Integration and Sustainable Democracy Building: The MDGs as Challenges and Vehicles, Regions and Cohesion, RISC Journal, 5(3), Winter 2015, Berghahn Journals, NY, Oxford, ISSN: 2152-9078, pp. 139. :)
- Blanco Sío-López, Cristina, Co-editor, Converging Pathways: Spain and the European Integration Process / Itinerarios cruzados: España y el proceso de construcción europea, Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, P.I.E. – Peter Lang – Cuadernos de Yuste Series, 2014. 562 pp., 10 ill., 21 tables, History and Political Science – ISBN: 978-2-87574-112-7