Workshop on participatory action research in historical landscapes


On Thursday 2 February at 11am a workshop entitled ‘Participatory action research in historical landscapes’ will be held at the Ecoespazo of CISPAC (Edificio Fontán – Cidade da Cultura de Galicia). The event is organised by the research group Histagra (USC) in the framework of the activities of the Barbanza Ecosocial Laboratory for 2023. This working session aims to bring together different experiences of participatory research-action to share trajectories, methodologies and opportunities.

The first part of the workshop will consist of the presentation of three projects. The first speaker will be Pablo López Gómez, archaeologist and heritage interpreter of the LLABOR group and the Centro D’Investigación y Ecomuséu La Ponte. He will be followed by Jaime Izquierdo Vallin, current Commissioner for the Demographic Challenge of the Government of Asturias, who will present the project of the Local Agro-ecological System of Moal. Thirdly, Roque Sanfiz Arias, pre-doctoral researcher (Histagra, USC) and member of the working team of the Laboratorio Ecosocial do Barbanza will speak.

This will be followed by a debate moderated by David Fontán Bestilleiro (Histagra, USC), also a pre-doctoral researcher and member of the Laboratorio Ecosocial do Barbanza.

The discussion will address three thematic blocks:
1) Useful methodologies for working on projects that connect different disciplines and are also built on participatory action research, from and for local communities.
2) Problems faced by this type of projects and how to solve them.
3) Opportunities for developing initiatives of these characteristics in the current context.

To find out more about the projects:
