The Master’s Degree in Digital Cultural Heritage, awarded as the Best Training Initiative of 2023 in the IV Edition of the HDH Awards


The Asociación Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas (HDH) has just celebrated a new edition of the HDH awards, which annually award scientific proposals linked to the digital landscape and the humanities. On this occasion, the Interuniversity Master’s Degree in Digital Cultural Heritage was awarded in the category of Best Training Initiative of 2023.

This master’s degree was born as a new generation initiative developed from the Institutional Chair of Digital Cultural Heritage, integrated in CISPAC. Among its objectives is the training of expert personnel in the digital treatment of heritage in all its meanings, with a comprehensive vision of the historical and cultural heritage universe, as well as the development of transversal skills based on general and multidisciplinary skills.

If you click on the following links you can learn more about the veredict of the jury and on the Master’s Degree.
