O próximo 21 de outubro celébrase unha nova edición do Ciclo de teses en discusión do CISPAC.
Esta actividade contará coa participación de Davide Giordanengo (Università di Torino), Hugo Bal García (USC) E Lucía Paz Aldrey (USC), que presentarán os seus proxectos de investigación.
O 16 e 17 de outubro o CISPAC albergará o curso 'Dinámicas transfronteirizas: envellecemento e desequilibrio' organizado pola Universidade Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP) e dirixido por Laura Oso (UDC-CISPAC) e Antón Losada (USC-CISPAC).
O Programa Xan de Forcados* ten por obxectivo incentivar proxectos do persoal investigador mozo do CISPAC financiado con cargo a partida orzamentaria do Programa de Apoio da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) a centros e institutos en proceso de rexistro e acreditación autonómica.
A proposta seleccionada no ano 2023 foi a de Samuel Nión-Álvarez, que presentará os resultados da súa investigación no noso centro. Esta actividade terá lugar o xoves 31 de outubro no Seminario 103 do centro, e a súa proposta leva por título Os últimos anos do Castro de Elviña. Algunhas hipóteses.
Next Friday, September 13, the project "RENTURS: Rentabilidad social en las decisiones de inversión del turismo post-pandémico: clave para el desarrollo sostenible en destinos de interior" will be presented, prepared by staff from the University of Vigo and financed by Next Generation EU/ Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
The event will take place at the Marcos Valcárcel Cultural Center (Ourense) at 12 noon. You can find more information about this project at the link below.
A few days ago, the report Care Work in the Just Transition: Providing for People and Planet
was presented, a brief of the Just Transition and Care network, coordinated by CISPAC researcher Stefania Barca. Precisely, this entity is promoted by the CISPAC, the Colorado State University and the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD).
The report seeks to answer one question: how to properly value and finance care helps to achieve the Just Transition (JT). The researchers of this report point out that until now JT policies have not taken care of the social and environmental role of care. That is why this publication insists on changing the focus of the JT to "assess and finance them properly".
Last week the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities published the provisional resolution proposal for the granting for the year 2023 to projects and actions to train pre-doctoral research staff.
In total, CISPAC's research staff achieved 10 projects with a total sum of 954,375 euros, to which must be added 4 pre-doctoral contracts associated with some of those projects.
Likewise, the researcher Edgard Camarós also got a project from the Emerxente line within the Consolidation and structuring of competitive research units program of the Xunta de Galicia.
The CISPAC publishes today, July 29, 2024, the bases of the Xan de Forcados program by which three postdoctoral research grants are called for members of the CISPAC. This denomination seeks to honor Don Xoán López Suárez (1880-1970), promoter of JAE activities in Galicia and also of the Misión Biolóxica de Galicia, among other centers.
The purpose of the call is to support three collaborative research projects (maximum €4000 per application) for postdoctoral researchers attached to CISPAC with the category "non-permanent" or "collaborating" researcher.
The deadline for submission of applications will begin the day after the publication on the CISPAC website and will end 15 calendar days from the day after its publication.
The CISPAC celebrated the welcome ceremony for the center's new research staff in the Edificio Fontán of the Cidade da Cultura. The event began with a formal greeting to the new members, at which point Pilar Bermejo Barrera, vice-chancellor of Scientific Policy at USC, intervened; and the members of the management team Lourenzo Fernández Prieto (scientific director), Laura Oso (deputy director) and Xavier Simón (transfer director).